Sunday, June 13, 2010

another line of poetry number 12 now

Forbidden Urges

your eyes
hold a deep irresistable desire
that i just cant fight
your mouth says no
but your eyes say yes
why cant i resist
your pain
im torn in half
trying to tell myself no
but i know that wont happen
i stand on the cliff
screaming at the top of my lungs
in the end i succumb
my darkest desires take over
in my arms
your so much more tempting
all my will power sucked from me
i entwine your lips with thine own
the forbidden bliss
was overwhelming
now i understand why they told
adam and eve not to eat the apples
a consuming fire rages inside
one that burns for your touch
the line crossed
never to redeem, everything lost
with no specific aim i stumble
i realise im at that cliff again
and understand this is the end
plunging into my eternal abyss

The Fight

the silence
a soul shattering torment
encloses the mind
crafting the very cloud
of a silent scream
agony the only feeling
a desperate desire
to crawl into that ball
and just become numb
fists of psychological fury
straining the invisible chains
pushing limits not meant to be tested
dark solemnity
a calming serenity
will bliss ever be found?
words drift by
they fall on deaf ears
ignorance is bliss
yet its our own torture
how can you fight
against something
you secretly desire
more than your willing to admit
even to yourself
a dark betrayal of the heart
made by thy own will
can the sacrifice ultimately outmatch
the pulsing urges for what
is desperately not right
yet over that bridge you fall
and ill always come diving in after.

tragic cruelty

your beautiful face
utter the words
i thought id never hear
thy heart breaks
as those words leave
your elegant lips
in a whisper
a silent confession
you make
but the words you say
havent the meaning
i so desperately desire
a gentle rose, you offer
the smile of an angel
planted on your face
slowly, grasping the flower
i turn
a quiet agony takes hold
tears stream down
thine taut cheek
sinking to my knees
i weep
your arms wrap around
and offer comfort
futile attempts
at healing reopened wounds
fighting the plea
to beg for your love
another man claims your heart
a consumming jealousy
wreaks a powerful dismay
your cheek rests
upon thine breast
to feel the slow beat of
a broken heart
embracing, your soul
starts to repair
the damage caused
by lifes bitter extent
nothing can do what
thy does to me
in your ear ill whisper
a final time with heart
mustering all meaning and solemnity
"i love you"
as your torn away from me again
all await your return
with darkness haunting me
from the moment you leave
your stunning light
will free me again.

Bitter Sweet

day after day
the autumn leaves fall
time seems to stop as
your looming figure
pauses and waits
holding your hand out
a leaf falls and lands
silently almost effortlessly
into your palm
little did you know
he was thinking of you
a tear brimming in his eye
your elegant beauty
carved as a memory
in his mind
whispers from your lips
haunting, torturing
soul shattered and lain to ash
the consuming winter
frosted a broken heart
turning it stone cold
you let the leaf fall and walk away
head bent low you cry
solemn agony your only comfort
a finely tuned piano
in the background
plays your tragic harmony
the tear falls from his eye
all restraint lost
remorse wreaks havoc in his thoughts
standing, he sinks to his knees
arms out chest bared
leaning back he screams
a symphony of dark pain
true grievance
he hunches over weeping
seperately in two different places
each thinking of the other
they both whisper to themselves
"i love you"

thanks again bloggers for reading :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Poetry 11

It has been a while since I've posted but I have written three new poems and am going to post them now, so thanks for your patience.

Flower Poem

the sun fades
revealing a pale crescent moon
patchy clouds covering
the shining stars
a pale rose
floats along
on a stream renowned
for its devastating tragedies
a dark past hidden
the black rose flows
weeping its tears leaking
into the water below
softly a hand reaches in
picking up the flower
her tears subsiding
as she feels the roses' agony
crouching down
she places the widow flower
over the grave
of her fallen lover
taken from her by mans greed
valiency having no part
in the new world
to be hold
the downfall of mankind itself
its inevitable destruction
the end of us all.

Moulin Rouge

thats how it all starts
blind innocence and then
the betrayal of your imagination
leaking taunted pleasures into your mind
corruption overrides all
sane thoughts
your image planted
never to be diminished within thy soul
a fire brand of darkened beauty
the crimson flash
swift and soft twirls
parading around doomed halls
laying the hidden trap
falling the desire becomes apparent
lustful motions made
heart thumping with utter contempt
within the dying grasp
snatched away by the evil
a gastly mistake that wasnt ment to happen
inevitable fury and jealousy
fights alongside bitter determination
a song emerges
bonding two kindred spirits
in eternal harmony
until fate rips them away
with defying and cruel words
any hope remaining crushed under
the invisible foot of reality
time a slow cruel enemy
not giving any peace of mind to
the dismal and miserable
a final stand
the song sung
like a ballad of resistance
relighting the fire of love
stitching the pieces of the heart
back together entwining souls
lead to a final bittersweet memory
until fate makes its last move
game over, everything ends
a cry of anguish
the end of star crossed lovers.
and so her story begins,
in the tortured mind of her lover
"come what may"
he whispers, closing his eyes
as tears of memories
become his lasting solace.

Final Memory

i fall to my knees
isnt that what you always wanted
to see me down
and begging for your mercy
do you feel strength
from taking life from me?
your nothing but
a bitter sweet memory
of pure agony
a dying light
washes over dark remnants
i once heard
that love was
as light as clouds
yet as heavy as rain
i suppose they were right
for even rain must fall
and love never lasts forever
only in fools dreams
and twisted nightmares
with a sigh rent
from the depths of his soul
silent tears of surrender
falling to his knees
he lets the flowers fall from his hands
onto the grave
of his buried beloved
their love only a haunting memory.
his broken bliss.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yet Another Blog

Wow im starting to write this stuff alot now. I guess its like im spamming the site but not meaning to, well sorry blogspot (: hope you can forgive me. haha anyway this was the blog that i was meant to write before i started spamming it all about poetry and stuff. This is the blog date i had with my friend jess ( check her out, shes great. anyway this blog ive decided is going to be about well, i have no real clue as to what its going to be about so ive decided that since it was my idea about the blog date cos my friend needs to add a new post im going to just go freelance and write some rando stuff. lets start by embarrasing her though just for the fun of it and to tell the world. (hahaha sorry jess) Alright to start this blog. Well jess thats all ill call her for security reasons, is by far one of the most amazing people i know, no matter how bad i can get, she stands up for herself and is just incredible. I can always depend on her and she helps me out alot, did i mention she was amazing, anyway. Well shes like an angel to all those around her, she has one of the most caring and kind hearts in the world with a free and beautiful soul. Not to mention shes really really beautiful :)! anyway haha shes like a sister to me and will always mean alot to me! Jess you are a truly treasured gem, with a most wonderful view of life and the people in it, youve taught me many a thing which is appreciated in ways you cant fathom. Anyway im almost done so dont worry folks, not meaning to hold you here forever with my ramblings. Just bout to rap it up now, Jess your an amazing and beautiful girl who will find her path in life and blossom like the most beautiful flower in spring, i believe in you with all my heart and i know youll make one guy the most happiest he'll ever be, ill never be dissapointed in you and never think bad of you. Thank you for everything youve done for me (:

Thanks audience for listening

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poetry Part 10

Finally! haha this is the last of my current collection of written poems i have constructed, im sorry readers for my poor poems and even my bearable ones, you didnt have to read them but still im sorry however i will write more in future and i hope they are better then before and are actually at the level for entertainment, my new blogs will be normal ones so do not fear for more bad poetry, feel free to comment, thanks alot. :)

"The Point of Strength"

as i fall into the consuming darkness
i see the radiant light you emit
never thought youd come for me
waiting to see if youd catch me
or let me fall deeper into the darkness
desperate i fought to hold onto you
i grew more determined
but i was weakening
i saw the hate in your words
the disgust in your truth
the sickening of my patheticness
a love you no longer gave
the darkness consumed and i was left bloody
destroyed i tore away at walls
letting them down
until the monster inside grew
he took control and his lust for blood and pain
consumed all rational senses
with no one to harm but myself
i found a means to satisfy the monster
my heart torn into pieces i was engulfed
the rage,
the misery,
the emptiness,
the pain,
the consumation.
the fire,
my heart was no more,
i was void of everything but pain
the monster satisfied
i was left with a shell afraid to be
who i was
with the main reason to feel gone
i had nothing
but inside my dimming fire of the soul
i held the memory of you
waiting for your soothing
the memory to be real again
to be captivated in your words
engulfed by your beauty i was a hollow void
i knew you were better off
but i was selfish this one time
wanting to be yours again
i got up in one last attempt
screaming out in agony
the rage banished the demons
i had one last shot at getting you back before i fell
the was no grace for a monster like me
i gave everything to have you back
i felt like i was losing you forever
until you lost your mind
you grabbed my hand and fixed everything
with the new found courage and reason
i rose up
slaughtering all traces of menacing memories
embracing your soul once again
feeling whole i thanked everything
but most of all i thanked you with all i could muster
the resurrection you gave me
though i was lost until you saved me
for a reason i know not
i wouldnt let myself die unless i gave my everything
to have you back ment the world
i felt the beating of your heart
it filled me and repaired me
whole once again
a silent prayer that you never leave me
like this again


your shining face
once the epitome of my existance
now the bane of my disgust
you were my light in the dark
the one true dependancy i had
you took everything i had from me
and threw it in my face
made a mockery of who i was
who i wanted to be
you told me pointless lies
that i foolishly believed
my humiliation your victory
what did i do to you?
the love you once had
was all part of your luring trap
the shine in my eyes gone
with your hands you broke
every part of my heart
and clouded my soul in misery
is this what you wanted?
my pain was a glory evident
in your desolate eyes
was i not good enough?
i tried my best
i gave everything i had
yet you tore me down
like i meant nothing
does this bring you satisfaction?
the satisfaction is evident in my eyes now
watching your pained and tormented face
dismal and sad in your final moments
as your body pleades
your soul knows
the coldness and darkness ahead
pain and sorrow rip through you
as the cruelty of your life
replays infront of your eyes
the destruction you caused
being your impedeing doom
the angry eyes stare at you
casting there torment
into your very heart and soul
watching you writhe in pain
as all the agony flows
watching as your blood
is painted on the wall
with the bone chilling words
"redemption is mine"
written by the decieved.

Poetry Part 9

Hey guys and ladies :)

"Shattered Heart"

it happened so sudden
one day you were there
the next your gone

i wonder what happened
if your okay
why youve left me
a broken mess
i dont know what id say to you

i guess id start
simply with
i miss you
id tell you as either a whisper
or an accusation
you left me

the consequences hurt
my barely surviving heart
takes a blow it cannot endure
the stitches fall apart
youve sown my demise

soul shattered
cold and alone
youve left me
why did you leave
what did i do wrong?
how did i hurt you

i promise ill do anything
just to have you back
to have your love
the warmth you give me
all a faded and jaded memory

the only warmth i have left
is the tears of sorrow
that drip down my face
faded memories haunt
my soul

words left unspoken
taunting regrets nagging
my love for you
never dying
just frozen cold waiting
for your warmth
heart waiting for you
to stitch back the pieces
only you can heal me
will you heal me?

if i could talk to you again
id tell you that i need you
without you life just isnt worth it
a broken dream
of the serenity of your words
the love you gave me
is my motivation
my final lament
as i beg for your return
i cry in agony
i love you, come back

"Society' Cruelty"

standing, rooted to the spot
the outside a frozen mask
the inside rages with thoughts
so excruciating the pain tears
hole after hole in the damaged soul
of the broken and defeated
how could anyone possibly let someone go willingly?
the thought of losing someone you cherished
someone who meant everything to you
is unfathomable
indescribable the silent torture began
the guilt and agony starts as the memory
replays itself as if on repeat
watching as the one you love falls
unable to do anything as the struggle
sorrow and dismay sear your throat
as the sobs stay trapped
again and again they try to stand
to get back up to survive
again and again beaten down by lifes woes
the brutality of society
unaccepting to those who believe different
fighting a lost cause
they lay still unable to move
not resisting as the fury
rains down on their bruised shell
wishing for a savior
a light erupts from all around
the stranger approaches
one not afraid to fight for others
even if he falls
he attacks and repels the onslaught
the number overwhelming the lone warrior
he falls in a bloodied heap next to the victim
together unable to move they look into each others eyes
the victim realising that the eyes they saw
were those of his savior
and even saviors fall

"The Deadness"

as i fall into the consuming darkness
i see the radiant light you emit
never thought youd come for me
waiting to see if youd catch me
or let me fall deeper into the darkness
desperate i fought to hold onto you
i grew more determined
but i was weakening
i saw the hate in your words
the disgust in your truth
the sickening of my patheticness
a love you no longer gave
the darkness consumed and i was left bloody
destroyed i tore away at walls
letting them down
until the monster inside grew
he took control and his lust for blood and pain
consumed all rational senses
with no one to harm but myself
i found a means to satisfy the monster
my heart torn into pieces i was engulfed
the rage,
the misery,
the emptiness,
the pain,
the consumation.
the fire,
my heart was no more,
i was void of everything but pain
the monster satisfied
i was left with a shell afraid to be
who i was
with the main reason to feel gone
i had nothing
but inside my dimming fire of the soul
i held the memory of you
waiting for your soothing
the memory to be real again
to be captivated in your words
engulfed by your beauty i was a hollow void
i knew you were better off
but i was selfish this one time
wanting to be yours again
i got up in one last attempt
screaming out in agony
the rage banished the demons
i had one last shot at getting you back before i fell
the was no grace for a monster like me
i gave everything to have you back
i felt like i was losing you forever
until you lost your mind
you grabbed my hand and fixed everything
with the new found courage and reason
i rose up
slaughtering all traces of menacing memories
embracing your soul once again
feeling whole i thanked everything
but most of all i thanked you with all i could muster
the resurrection you gave me
though i was lost until you saved me
for a reason i know not
i wouldnt let myself die unless i gave my everything
to have you back ment the world
i felt the beating of your heart
it filled me and repaired me
whole once again
a silent prayer that you never leave me
like this again

Poetry Part 8

Almost finished your Patience is astounding. This one is several poems in one so this will make up one post, sorry for the inconvienience.

"Several Poems"

another beautiful rose
wilted once again
by the tragedy
that fate had instore
for those 2 star crossed lovers
never destined
to have their lives entwined
the silent rose
wilting in its silent dispair
never again to see
that beautiful sunshine

i saw her face
and everything changed
i thought id never see
anyone as beautiful
it was like the silent symphony
with a melody so sweet
it makes your heart stop
if ever the angels took the time
to stop and look at her
they would burn and perish
with the darkest of jealousy

darkest and silent torture
the doomed fantasy
of feelings so wrong
oh fortune's fool
why do you despise me so hatedly?
surely my sorrow
satisfies your thirst for my demise
Why do you make me feel so alone?
sometimes you make me
want to make that jump
into remissful oblivion
maybe hell wont shut me out
it seems your walls have no refugee for me
oh woeful damnation
of spited enmity
slay thyself and end this suffering

deepest rage and supressed jealousy
ever present when my eyes see
her that beautiful girl
with him that using bastard
shes ignorant to the truth
or maybe she doesnt care
the seemingly endless depression
o a beauty so rare
never ceases to cause sadness
in those that care
the helplessness to help
or the pain to watch
but please know
im gunna be there to catch you when you fall
ill be the one you can go to
to protect you when your fears attack you
im a friend you can trust
even though i love you
im old and mature enough to not let it interfere

Poetry Part 7

Hold tight Readers, your patience is much appreciated. :) Thank you all

"Lost in the Darkness"

what happened?
we were great friends
at least you were one of my best
my feelings grew i couldnt control them
i told you and you were fine
but something changed along the line
and i ran out of time
you went cold and im starting to thin
i fucked up again
its always like this
i ask wats wrong and you always hide behind those 2 words
"im sorry"
at the start i believed you
but now im not so sure
your hiding and i want to know wat i did
so maybe i can fix it
i want things to be the way they used to be
i love you
yet im dying inside
its like im a nuisance to you that you cant get rid of
youve gone cold
im not even sure you care for me
once i thought you did
i cared for you and i was there and i still care
even tho shits hard im not going to abandon you
ill always love you even tho its like you hate me
i need answers as to what i did
its killing me
im lost in the darkness and i have no light
no one can reach me im forever alone
yet i need you
your the only one that can save me
please im begging you just tell me the truth?
what did i do?


before my eyes i see a haze
i realise its the tears that are welling up
my mind freezes
the thing i fear most seems to have happened
shes slipped through my fingers
lost never to be found again
i find my heart slowly ripping into little pieces
this time it cant be fixed
lost in my own misery
the darkness enveloping, surrounding me
i feel a helpless desire
a desperate bid for happiness, a sign all is not lost
im lost without a way to be free
is there any hope left for me?
or is it already too late?

"Poetic Justice"

i thought things were the same.
in truth everything had changed.
for the worst or the better i guess no one will know.
all i no is when im around her the world is right
when im around her time seems to stop
everything is right
however it makes leaving harder on my soul
to see the anguish in our eyes as they depart
i know on the inside that this is all a dream
for why would a girl so beautiful and perfect limit herself
for the dull old boring shell in which my tortured soul binds itself to?
the lies i despise so hatefully are becoming my best friend
the worst i get the more i hide behind them
does that make me evil?
does that turn me into a hypocrite?
am i just a lost cause?
should i even bother with this anymore?
what i thought i could handle i could not.
it brings me down and tears me apart.
its everything slipping away
Do i fight for what can never be mine or do i give up on her to?
dreams are fine but shes everything i dreamed about
im losing control and i dont know the right way to go
i need guidance, i need reasurrance
i need to fight my own fears and accept the truth
my lifes one big pile of shit and im lost
i dont know if i can survive for much longer
im tired of the ache
im sick to fucking death of all my hopes and dreams slipping through my fingers
i guess thats what hopes are for being crushed and ripped to shreds
i may be taking a pessismistic view of this but the words are the ones from my soul.
this is the lament from my heart and soul
my final good bye to the dreams and hopes i once held dear
for now they are no longer within my control