Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yet Another Blog

Wow im starting to write this stuff alot now. I guess its like im spamming the site but not meaning to, well sorry blogspot (: hope you can forgive me. haha anyway this was the blog that i was meant to write before i started spamming it all about poetry and stuff. This is the blog date i had with my friend jess ( check her out, shes great. anyway this blog ive decided is going to be about well, i have no real clue as to what its going to be about so ive decided that since it was my idea about the blog date cos my friend needs to add a new post im going to just go freelance and write some rando stuff. lets start by embarrasing her though just for the fun of it and to tell the world. (hahaha sorry jess) Alright to start this blog. Well jess thats all ill call her for security reasons, is by far one of the most amazing people i know, no matter how bad i can get, she stands up for herself and is just incredible. I can always depend on her and she helps me out alot, did i mention she was amazing, anyway. Well shes like an angel to all those around her, she has one of the most caring and kind hearts in the world with a free and beautiful soul. Not to mention shes really really beautiful :)! anyway haha shes like a sister to me and will always mean alot to me! Jess you are a truly treasured gem, with a most wonderful view of life and the people in it, youve taught me many a thing which is appreciated in ways you cant fathom. Anyway im almost done so dont worry folks, not meaning to hold you here forever with my ramblings. Just bout to rap it up now, Jess your an amazing and beautiful girl who will find her path in life and blossom like the most beautiful flower in spring, i believe in you with all my heart and i know youll make one guy the most happiest he'll ever be, ill never be dissapointed in you and never think bad of you. Thank you for everything youve done for me (:

Thanks audience for listening

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