Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poems part 2

Blog readers, ive decided that three poems per page will be how it is set out, not too long as to bore you, but not to short as to make you read them all with excessive clicking and finding where you are up to, im hoping there will be 15 or so parts so hold tight and take care :) Now for the poems. i think ill do it alphabetically so stay patient, they will vary alot.

"A Reason"

walking along the lines of misery
there is a young woman
fighting for a freedom she deserves
trapped and consumed by her loneliness
unable to find a helpful solution
words of the ones who love her fall deaf
onto her beautiful and heartbroken soul
a love she does not feel
from the ones who should give it most
as a foolish boy tries to save her
he is a wounded soldier that finds peace and happiness
when he is around her
little does she know, she is his savior
her troubles weigh heavy on his shoulders
as he feels her pain as she struggles
and he cries in agony over her pain
again and again he tries but feels he is to little avail
trying desperately to find a solution
he falls to his knees
his love for her cannot be spoken because words
do not give justice to the feelings of true emotion
her life, a point in which he finds a reason
to continue fighting this hell
she is the light in his darkness
the bandage on his wounds
laughter bounds from his lips when he is with her
no matter what the pain she heals it
she is a true angel
envied by others and even hated by some
her soul tainted by misery
intensifies her radiate glow
her beauty unmatched
her soul able to find the good in the worst people
her heart, broken and battered
yet filled with more love then the world combined
basked in all her glory
he is at peace
a soul and heart he will never forget
and would gladly walk hand in hand
to the end of days

"A Silent Grace"

walking along the lines of misery
there is a young woman
fighting for a freedom she deserves
trapped and consumed by her loneliness
unable to find a helpful solution
words of the ones who love her fall deaf
onto her beautiful and heartbroken soul
a love she does not feel
from the ones who should give it most
as a foolish boy tries to save her
he is a wounded soldier that finds peace and happiness
when he is around her
little does she know, she is his savior
her troubles weigh heavy on his shoulders
as he feels her pain as she struggles
and he cries in agony over her pain
again and again he tries but feels he is to little avail
trying desperately to find a solution
he falls to his knees
his love for her cannot be spoken because words
do not give justice to the feelings of true emotion
her life, a point in which he finds a reason
to continue fighting this hell
she is the light in his darkness
the bandage on his wounds
laughter bounds from his lips when he is with her
no matter what the pain she heals it
she is a true angel
envied by others and even hated by some
her soul tainted by misery
intensifies her radiate glow
her beauty unmatched
her soul able to find the good in the worst people
her heart, broken and battered
yet filled with more love then the world combined
basked in all her glory
he is at peace
a soul and heart he will never forget
and would gladly walk hand in hand
to the end of days

"A Sinner's Desire"

the intensity of a foreign passion
consuming all other senses in the urge of lust
blushing pilgrims await gentle reassurance
as an ache begins deep within
the heart races
the flames of passion rage
waiting to be satisfied
your smile
your beautiful face
all i see as all else is clouded
the desire to feel your body
the exploration of soft hands
silently screaming pleasure at the touch
the urge builds and the lust consumes
this sin be purged or over the edge we go
falling into the deadly game of love
will any of us survive?

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