Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poetry Part 5

And again readers, this is some pretty bad stuff so you dont have to read it but if for some reason you like this stuff keep reading :)

"Eternity" (Personal Fav)

as the sun starts its slow decent
a lone figure stares out
at the gentle waves that ease their way in
his silent agony haunting his taut features
soaking in the rhythm of the harmony
as the crash and falls of the water
bring about his sorrow in drowning pools
of tempest misery
stitching the shattered fragments of his heart
back together seems a lost hope
his soul searches for remnants of what was
the irony of how
nothing can turn into everything
and that same everything can turn into nothingness
the dark and dismal denial of reality
casts an eerie shadow of reminder
looking up
he sees a sight to behold
the horizon flashes green
as an arrow rises to the clouds above
closing his eyes he feels a touch
the tears start to roll down his face
as he fought to control his shudder
her touch like fire she placed
her hand over his heart she embraces him
dispelling his pain and sorrow
she picked up his pieces
put the puzzle pieces back and at last
faced him in all her beauty
the embrace of her dying lips on his
together in perfect harmony as they both fell
into eternal grace
"together to the end"
they whispered to each other
as everything dimmed


when do we know when to give up?
there is no definite answer
it always changes
the situation is what plays
a crucial role in that decision
when it comes to a fight between love
as much as we know we have to
can we ever
just give up?
the prospect of giving up what your heart
truly and desperately desires
is a terrible burden to bear
and being gracious in defeat
is never easy especially when
you have to let go of the thing that matters most
you always ask yourself
could i of given a little more?
what could i of done?
why do i always lose?
what makes them better then me?
the answers sometimes told often are not
they eat away like a plague
of dismal nightmares
forever casting a dark and looming shadow
can we ever pick ourselves up?
or do we just lay down and die
getting up and fighting
is what everyone tells us to do
but it is never that easy
to get up and fight
when everything pushes you down
requires a both indignant stupor
or a fierce and iron determination
do any of us have those qualities?
only our souls will tell us this answer


the dying embers fall
as the full moon rises
to take the place of the decieving sun
the billowing wind
accumulating force
surrounding and consuming
a man, he stands
alone and bitter
facing the glistening water far below
his agony held silent within
spreading through his blood
siezing, and controlling
he has lost the fight
into the night
he flings his arms open
and with a bone chilling shout
screams for all of his sins
tears rain down his face
the memory vivid in his mind
her blood, her face, her eyes
cold and scared
her scarred and abused body
pain and torment his only friends now
the blood over his body as he recalls
his revenge, killing the murderer
his only thought
"vengeance is justice and justice will be mine"
with nothing left but agony
he falls to his knees
knowing what he must do to rejoin his beloved
he stands on the edge
the nothingness surrounds
he falls with a silent grace
a final redemption

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