Wednesday, May 19, 2010

War Poems

well audience, as i said im starting to publish my pretty bad poetry so ill start with the three poems that got me started into writing poetry. The theme is war based and it is to try and capture the perspectives of the soldiers and my feelings towards war. hope you enjoy. just scroll down to read.

Poems of a soldier

"Tale of a Soldier"

a man changes his life by the decisions he makes
many young men’s lives were changed with the war
these young naive souls thought they could all be heroes
they get sent to the battle with high spirits
together the men beside him are all his brothers in arms
together they all strive for the same thing
bonded together for the safety of the mother land
at the start they think its all fun and games
until the first man dies
he stands still as his mate and brother in arms besides him is shot dead
the blood splattering as the bullet hits him between the eyes
he freezes up in panic covered in the blood of his comrade
for the first time in this young mans life he feels true fear
he starts to think of home
his family, his love, oh his sweet love
never to see them again
he charges swearing to avenge his fallen comrade
the tears run down his face under this blackened sky
as the soil beneath is stained with the blood and of the hopes and dreams
that young man will never be seen to experience again
the red poppy a symbol of remembrance in acknowledgement
tears stream down his loves face as she receives that last telegram
telling her of the tragedy and the sympathies that she cares nothing for
she suffocates unable to take it in
the sound of an unlocked drawer
a gun being cocked
the trembling hand of a wounded soul
the crack of the release and the symphony of sadness is played
as she is at last with her beloved soldier

"Anzac poem"

a man changes his life by the decisions he makes
war changes people and its not for the better
the horrors these young men faced and witnessed
changed them forever nothing is ever going to be the same for them again
surviving the war in itself is a gratifying and acknowledged feat
but it isn’t always lucky.
The men came home from over seas to nothing
Their jobs taken by those who stayed home, their girls taken by those who stayed
Starting again is some people’s dreams, for the soldiers it’s a nightmare
Coming home to nothing when all they need is something makes them wonder if it was worth it?
The battles and the sacrifice these brave young souls made to come back to nothing
Is that fair? Is it justiced?
Being condemned to do what you were forced to do
None of these men wanted the war to happen
None of these men can bare to see there mates slaughtered before them
To watch a man die is horrific enough
To watch the light leave his eyes, to feel his blood splattered on your skin
Burying a mate and saying goodbye to your friend leaves you hollow
Perspectives become confused and men start to question
Is it worth it? The suffering, the disease the heart ache of going home to nothing
Being captured and tortured in prison camps couldn’t lower our spirits we fought
With will and spirit, the freedom taken the will to battle wasn’t over
Our brave Australian boys proved to the world that we are proud to be aussie
We love our country and we will suffer for it.
Until the last breath is taken away.


the war changes people
it makes people become someone they usually aren’t
in life or death situations you have to make a decision
kill the enemy and be one step closer to freedom
or be killed by the enemy and never see your country win or lose
when a peaceful man is conscripted into the war his whole perspective and priorities
a man that’s never been cruel being forced to murder a man in cold blood is something that no man should go through
we are made to think it’s a necessity but why does everything have to be solved with violence?
Men think that whoever is strongest is the best to be leader
However is strength all that matters in diplomacy?
You may be an iron man but can you stand up and tell your country what to do?
Can you stand up for the rights of your country in front of others and not be afraid of what other leaders will think?
War doesn’t solve anything it takes away and it ruins
The many millions of men that had families
The millions of litres of blood spilt on the soils of battle sites
Destruction is all around
The men that do survive carry the images of their best friends and comrades falling dead beside them knowing it should have been them dead instead
Those brave soldiers forced to do what no man should have to
Its an injustice to life and it disgraces those that invoke war
People fight in the wars for different reasons but they all strive for the same goal
To be free and to be able to be safe from the threat of other countries
What does war solve?
The millions of widows and heart broken fathers losing a son is losing a part of a father
Losing a life is difficult; losing a loved one is like ripping a piece out of ones soul
War is pointless and it serves no purpose to life
Too many lives have been lost
Too many hearts broken
Lives ruined

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