Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poetry Part 3

Sorry for the spamming of all these poems, but i have alot and i decided to advertise them as was suggested by several people, so down to part 3, enjoy and thanks.

"An Unforgettable Pain"

something that made me feel alive
that thing was that i was your everything
how is that possible?
you now tell me that hes your everything
how can i feel?
i dont let it show how much it hurts
i pretend like i never fit those pieces together
fuck i know things are hard for you
i feel your pain too
to me you are everything
the way i get through the hard days
i know you probably dont even care
about how i really feel
hurting you kills me and i dont know
how i can do this anymore
its like everything i say n do
it tears you away from me cm after cm
your wings are no longer there for me to be caught
feeling helpless and your silently screaming in agony
hiding from everyone knowing they wouldnt understand
how can i tell you that im there forever and always
telling you something you already know gets tiring
but the truth is i do understand i do want to help
i dont want to lose you and yet you tell me im not
then why does it feel like it?
why does it feel like my heart is being clamped
some vial submission to the despair haunting you
the resemblance to your kinsmen is striking
you are not like them
uniqueness is something every individual has
forgetting that is forgetting yourself
never forget yourself because that is your freedom
no one can take that away from you
i try i really do but its hard when my help isnt wanted
what else can i do?
i cant sit around and do nothing i need to do my best
to get that lovable and adorable smile back on your face
need you to be yourself again be happy and enjoy life
without that i cant find the strength
its selfish but your not the only one feeling down
i know ive said this alot and your tired of it
but i love you and ill always stick by you
no matter how hard it gets well be true to ourselves and each other
ill give you all i can to pull you through
give you my strength to carry you on
im sorry but i cant let you go

"Broken Heart"

your on my mind
you act like i dont exist
never good enough for you
not worthy of your time
wondering what you are doing
how you are
your so beautiful
but i try to gain the courage
to talk to you
i have no idea of what to say
the way the light shines off your face
light of hope in your eyes
watching from a distance
i picture me kissing you in my mind
holding your hand
your sweet embrace
my arms are open wide
i long to hear you tell me
i love you
but i will never hear those words
sometimes i can feel the love
like its about to overflow
but at the back of my soul i feel
the deep sadness of my heart
as i watch you walk away
again and again
you will never know how much i care
id do anything for you
but you act like im disgusting
your all i ever wanted
and no matter how much i try
i cant hate you
you own my heart
under lock and key
its yours but time and time again
you neglect it
slowly letting it die

"Concave of My Control"

i thought i was in control
trying over and over to keep it
it was going so well
till you said those words
it ripped my heart out and played around with it using a knife
a bleeding wound i now have
a wound unable to heal
a tormenting thought that followed
my soul writhing in the pain
body turned hot, a cold sweat broke out
fighting to blink back tears
feeling dead and empty
a smile a distant memory in my past
the horrible nightmares that are going to come
more depression im going to have to live with
i shouldnt be surprised
i always knew id never be hers
they say hell is like this
i guess im in my own personal living nightmare
my own design of hell
how long am i going to have to wait this time to escape?
god i hope i survive this
already the darkness is hear
my demons laughing at me, fighting over who gets to torture me first
little do they no my hearts beaten them to it.
how long do i wait this time?
i just want a chance
some good luck in this fucked up life
a sign everything isnt bad
love is something i want but its something i hate
and i guess my heart loves you
your a fallen angel
always out of reach to my fingers
ill always want to be with you
but all wanting is the only thing i get
the love i need to feel
i just want you to be the one to love me

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