Sunday, May 16, 2010

Me, everthing thats important.

Well life is a mystery, it holds the ultimate unexpectancies for us. Sometimes it has its ups and it has its downs, personally i believe that when the sun shines, it dulls life down. If anyone has taken the time to notice, how much more colour is visible and vibrant when the clouds are covering the sun. Life is alot like that, its not always in the shining times of our lives where we find the best things, its in our battles with the dark where we overcome our fears and demons, in a ironic way, i believe its the fallen that get saved in the end. Even if life beats them beyond possible hope theres always someone who will be willing to spare some of their rays of light to help you. Those are the people that matter, the ones who should be held dear to your heart. Life is not about the happy times or the bad ones. Its about the battles and the sacrifices you make to get there, the things that come out of each decision you make, the regrets that tie in with life. Each decision you make has a purpose whether it be the right one or the wrong one it does not matter, take it and battle on to the next decision. Not every choice will be the wrong one its the right ones that matter the most.

Everyone has friends on whom they depend, whether they be male or female it does not matter, friends are friends, they help shape who you are because no one can stand alone. No matter how much you try there will be times you need friends to help you stand and fight the next battle, ones who will be willing to fall with you. One of the best quotes in relation to this is the one where it says, "The best friend wont bail you out of jail but sit in jail with you and admit that you screwed up" They are the friends that wont stand with you but will cowardly watch you fall then make out to be the saviors.

Even the worst of people are capable of loving someone, so never think that its too late. It just hurts you more and more. Love does not always have to be with another person in the sense that they are your special bonded partner, love comes in many different forms and it tells us alot about who we are. Even the purest of loves can have a few kinks and knots in it, its the determination to work and unravel those knots and kinks do you find the true eternal bliss within. Without love your never really whole. There is always something that will share your heart with your soul.

Now to make this a little more about me because im selfish and it is my blog so its meant to be about me even though it sounds a little not right, well there are some really precious people in my life that i have to spend some time to talk about, because its without these people that i will not be who i am today, even though i find it easy to criticise my self my friends do not think the same way as i do. Magically enough they see the good in me and that in itself means the world to me, so it is in this blog that i will dedicate a paragraph to my best friends and what they mean to me as i think that is fitting. But a little more before i begin those stories. Friends and my love for them is a bond i share with them uncapable of putting into words yet i shall try my hardest. Now to begin.

James, my brother. Even though we are not blood related i know you will always have a place in my heart, you have shown me the good in me and have taught me many of things, you have taught me to appreciate friends, to take a chance with life and that im never alone. You are a true legend, without you id be a wreck. You took the time to get to know the real me not what others see me to be. Without that chance i wouldnt have the great friend i have today. Thank you.

Jess, your just soo incredibly amazing. You have taught me so much, youve opened up life and a happiness in my heart. You are beautiful and believe me your heart and soul shine with a fierce light. do not let anyone get you down most importantly never let things get to you, my heart is connected to yours and every pain you feel i do too. I will always be here as your friend and you mean so much to me that to put it into words is just unfathomable, you have stood up to me and for your beliefs and i have an unbreakable respect for you. Thank you jess for everything.

Josh, Mate your just an icon to me, someone i envy with an undeniable force. You are one of the coolest and most admirable people i know, you have patience with everyone and you have a kind and enduring heart. Even when people try and get you down you dont let them get to you, you have made my days durable and often provided me with a valuable distraction and warm sympathetic view of opinion that i respect and listen to. You have always stood by me and have understood me well, your someone i trust and will always have time for. Thank you

Tayla, the one that i cant put into words, You are just the most incredible, beautiful, amazing, cute, adorable and the definition of perfection. You have fought alongside me all the time and you will always fight with me, nothing can ever get in the way of us, and youve taught me to love, you unlocked everything i am today, you picked me up off the ground and saved me a many miserable occasions many that i want to forget but i dont as they bring us closer and closer, you mean the world to me and i swear you are an angel, your my guardian you protect me and even when im wounded you get me through i can always count on you and there will be nothing to stop me from giving everything i am to save you, no matter what comes at us ill fight till the end, you are my light in the dark the one who stitches up my broken heart finds the shattered fragments and puts them back together without you id be nothing, i dont want to ever be without you. Thank you tayla for being who you are, i will always have a love for you and a connection with your soul, your the most valuable jewel in the world, your worth more than the world to me.

my friends are my important treasures, sure material things stimulate me, but they cannot bring permanent happiness, they are the light in the dark and they are our saviors. And it is with that i end this blog and thank you all for reading it, it means alot and it is me pouring my heart and soul. Mock me all you like those of you who do, those comments are meaningless all of those who accept and admire this then i thank you from the deepest part of me. Thankyou

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